The Lesson of the Radiance

radiantheartSome months following the event of The Lesson of the Touch, I attended another conference, enticed by both my experiences of the first one and my growing relationship with God. Still uncertain regarding the extent of God’s active participation in people’s lives today, I continued observing, intrigued with faith’s potential.

But, even then, doubt was receding, and my mind was opening. The seed of faith, planted in me decades earlier, was receiving the nurturing that it needed to grow the way God intended. This event would provide yet another supplemental boost.

During a conference session, I was sitting next to my husband in an aisle seat of the midsection of the church’s auditorium-sanctuary. A conference official approached me, accompanied by a woman of about my age. Leaning over, so as not to disturb others, he introduced himself. Then he told me that a few minutes earlier, as the woman with him had walked by me, she had received a word of knowledge regarding an abdominal pain in my midsection.

Surprised and confused by the entire scenario, I stared at him, trying to absorb what he was saying. But feeling no pain, I automatically replied, “I don’t have any abdominal pain.”

My response apparently caught the man by surprise, for he sounded shocked as he asked, “You don’t?” Shaking my head in the negative, I said (almost laughingly), “No.” Looking at one another, the man and the woman shrugged slightly, not knowing what else to say or do. Apologizing for bothering me, the man returned to his duties, and the woman returned to her seat several rows in front of me.

But as I watched the woman sit back down, I was suddenly gripped with the realization that I had, without intention, not spoken the truth. For a couple of months, I had indeed had a reoccurring pain in the area that the man had described. But not experiencing the pain at that moment, I had not made the connection, due to the unexpectedness of the conversation.

Now I was again the one who was confused. How and why would a woman, who I did not know, know about a pain in my body that only God and I knew existed?

Thoroughly perplexed, I remained in my seat until a short time later, when the woman got up and walked past me, exiting through the rear auditorium door. Instantly filled with a sense of “now or never,” I excused myself and followed her. Seeing her step into the ladies’ room, I waited in the empty lobby.

When she came out, I approached her, quickly explaining the situation regarding the pain that had been described. Though I had no expectation of what might transpire from our meeting, I was absolutely convinced that she, knowing more than I, was my opportunity to learn more.

Confounded, I was also awe struck. Radiance from the woman drew me to her even more than my questions had done. Standing face to face, just a few feet apart from one another, I was transfixed by her glowing countenance that permeated the air around us. She, on the other hand, was transfixed by something that I could not see, except upon her.

With partly raised arms and upward facing palms, she stood with her eyes closed and her chin slightly lifted, basking in more than the music that was coming from the auditorium. Though we spoke only briefly, and she offered an even more brief prayer for my healing, we continued standing together in a holy silence that was broken only occasionally by her softly spoken praise to God. In that state, we remained alone in the lobby without interruption for quite some time, before returning to our seats.

Soon afterward, the conference concluded for the evening, and my husband and I headed for the home of a friend with whom we were staying. In the darkness, we rode in silence. Deep in thought regarding the evening’s events, I suddenly became aware that the area of discussion in my abdomen was getting warm… quite warm, almost hot.

The warmth was deep inside my body, not on the surface, and it felt luxurious! I sat motionless, soaking up the warmth, not wanting it to end. But as we neared our destination, the warmth faded, and then it was gone.

I can’t explain all of the intricacies of my experience that evening. I can only testify to its occurrence and to the fact that the abdominal pains never returned. One of my gifts from the event is an unwavering knowledge that God is a healing God, still manifesting His Presence in our lives today through miracles of direct intervention. (See 1 Corinthians 12:8-11) He is Jehovah Rapha, “the LORD who heals you” (Exodus 15:26), just as He has always been.

The Bible, full of miracles in both the Old Testament and the New, reveals both God’s power and His goodness in uncountable ways, many of which we don’t always recognize as such. Men, even God’s “chosen” people, have more often than not misconstrued both God’s nature and His intentions, right from the get-go. (See Isaiah 1:3)

God wants all men to know Him well, to enter into personal, eternal fellowship with Him (See 1 Timothy 2:4). God has never hidden Himself from mankind, but has always been open, revealing Himself in a myriad of ways to provide the understanding that man lacks concerning God. (See Isaiah 45:19)

Right from the beginning of time, God has revealed Himself in His Word. The Spirit-filled Truth of God that is contained in God’s Word was then given a physical component in the life of Jesus—the Living Word—to make a new way for men to see the Truth of God quite clearly. The Truth revealed in Jesus can then lead to further opportunity for increased fellowship with God through the indwelling Presence of the Holy Spirit. But while many people believe in the historical Jesus, fewer believe in the future King Jesus, and fewer still accept the reality of a Present Living Jesus and the indwelling Holy Spirit.

By not engaging in purposeful fellowship with the Holy Spirit, even born again Christians can unknowingly diminish their interactions with God through a lack of expectation. Inadvertently, neither surprise nor disappointment are generated by the lack of personal experience with God that complacency with the status quo substantiates:  a “that’s all there is” faith.

A faith that is not stretched in accordance with God’s Word is a faith that stagnates within self-imposed boundaries. In squelching new faith experiences before they begin, we can give greater credence to lack of experience than to the Word of God. A mind that is closed to God’s potential in any area of life through unbelief hampers new experiences with God in those particular areas.

On the night I was healed, I had little faith by which I might have received or even contemplated the expectation of such a healing. But in attending the conference, I was open to discovering new dimensions of faith. So I did have exactly what I needed that evening:  willingness to accept the woman’s faith in God, a faith that radiated from her in Word and Spirit. The woman’s intimate relationship with God enabled her to hear, receive and deliver the Word that God had sent to heal me (Psalm 107:20), words for which my spiritual ears were not yet in tune.

My emerging faith was apparently enough to meet God halfway, through this woman, who He had placed between us. That evening, standing before the woman, as she basked in her relationship with God, I believed, without question, two things: God’s Presence and the woman’s intimacy with Him. In her awareness of God, God granted me awareness, also. In effect, God provided opportunity for me to piggyback off the woman’s faith that evening, undoing doubt by establishing in me a greater faith of God.

A faith in God that is more complete in both substance and application is a faith that is more life enhancing. ”We live by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7) so that greater intimacy with God and increased expectation of Him will develop in us.

Through faith by grace, God has accomplished the greatest miracle of all:  salvation that provides opportunity to commune with God one-on-one, any time and any place. When we are in Christ, God goes with us. Wherever we go, God’s supernatural power fuels our words and actions that are in compliance with the Truth of God, thereby fulfilling the expectations of faith that He develops in us.

While the world likes to say, “Life is what you make of it,” the Truth is that, with God, life becomes much more than that. The abundant life that God offers us in Christ Jesus (See John 10:10) is a supernatural life of transformation (See 2 Corinthians 3:18), one beyond the scope of the world’s vision that depends on our interaction with Him. The greater priority that we give to communing with God, the more personal experiences that we have with Him, breeding even greater intimacy with God in an unending cycle of faith. We, not God, are the ones who can bring the cycle to a screeching halt by applying the brakes of unbelief.

At this particular conference, God had yet another surprise in store for me. As He had revealed to me His Presence in the woman, so He also would reveal to me His Presence in me, letting me know that our relationship depends upon no intermediary other than Jesus Christ  (See 1 Timothy 2:5).

The following evening, at the close of the conference, this is what happened:

Standing alone on a few square feet of floor in a crowded auditorium, I was desperate (no exaggeration). During the final minutes of the conference that my husband and I had attended in South Carolina, I wanted to experience God in some profound way, some way that was previously unknown and unexpected by me. I wanted a taste of what I saw and had seen in other people. I wanted to know God, not just to know about Him.

On that day, when I cried out in silence, imploring God with emotionally charged words in my heart and tears in my eyes, God showed up. He did not show up around me. Nor did He show up above or beside me. God showed up in me.

God was—is—real. I felt Him.

[Excerpt from The Life of the Cross]

God alone can set us aglow, igniting our lives with His potential. He alone is God.

And if we are His, others will know. His Presence will be seen all over us, radiating His Glory through so-called impossibilities that He accomplishes in us and through us, allowing the world to better see Him.

With God, we become the very miracle that we need:  a mind fully open to accepting the full Gospel Truth of God.


”Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.’”  (Romans 12:2a)

The Lesson of the Touch

TouchSeven months following the ministry weekend prayer that changed the direction of my life (See The Lesson of the Illumination), I attended a faith conference in my quest to learn more about the Truth of God. While my husband fulfilled a previous commitment elsewhere, I attended the event alone, just as God often arranges for me to be when He wants my full attention.

During a meal break, I was sitting in an aisle seat near the back left corner of a sparsely populated auditorium. Deep in thought, I paid little attention to the woman walking up the side aisle, until she squeezed by me to sit next to me.

The dark skinned woman, about my age, wore a beautiful multicolored floor-length robe and head turban. When she spoke, her words revealed an accent that I did not recognize. Looking into my eyes, she seemed to choose her words carefully, saying, “I believe that God wants me to pray for you.”

Humbled by anyone praying for me, I was overwhelmed to have God send a stranger. As the woman spoke, telling me that God had healed her of AIDS, her voice and mannerisms conveyed a compassion that suggested a personal knowledge of God’s grace that far exceeded my own.

When she finished speaking, she hesitated briefly, and then rose. Squeezing by me again, she began walking back down the aisle. But after taking only a few steps, she hesitated again, turned around and returned to the seat beside me. Laying her hand upon mine, she spoke with soothing compassion. “Don’t be afraid. It’s okay to touch people when you pray for them.” My only response was a flow of tears down my cheeks, for I knew without doubt that this was God, not the woman, speaking to me.

The message that she delivered was one of a loving and compassionate God of merciful grace, who imparts healing and restoration. Even in knowing that I needed both, I remained ignorant of the extent of my need. But God knew. He knows full well my every need, and He would not miss the opportunity to supply what I needed that day, at that time, thanks to a willing messenger.

Understanding the precise nature of our brokenness, God continually draws us, touching us with the compassionate mercy that we need. We are never out of His limitless reach. With ever-open arms, He awaits our willingness to accept His embrace again and again. Each time that we do, we receive more of the wholeness that He has for us in Christ Jesus. Wholeness only comes from God, who alone fulfills us. Without Him, we remain but pieces of our potential.

As exemplified by the commitment of the father of the prodigal son to his son’s welfare (See Luke 15:11-32), God is fully committed to ours. He wants only to bless us, never to curse us, even when we go our own way.

When the prodigal son left home, his father knew that he would eventually be confronted, as we all are, by the consequences of self-proclaimed independence. So, in love, the father fattened a calf, unable to do no less than prepare for a celebration of his son’s homecoming that he could only hope would one day occur.

The celebration, though, could not take place until the son, unable to continue fooling himself, would humbly decide to confess his wrong thinking to his father. By honoring his father, the son would gift himself, enabling his father to honor him with restoration to his family.

When the ever-watchful father first glimpsed his son’s return, he ran unabashedly to meet his son with open arms. Fully embraced, the son received his father’s love—a love revealed in his father’s great relief for his son’s wellbeing. Kissing his son, the father restored his son’s dignity by returning his son’s identity to him. In the receiving of a robe, a ring and sandals from his father, the son received his true inheritance:  his father’s heart—a gift that could never be squandered, but would only grow with time, forever increasing the son’s inheritance.

Not unlike Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, the son would learn that everything that he needed had always been his. His search for what he wanted would lead him nowhere but home.

To our shame, we sometimes make poor choices in life, departing from our Heavenly Father’s ways, searching for glitz that is fool’s gold and bankrupting our hearts. But to our Father’s glory, He offers us forgiveness before we ask, bestowing true and lasting treasure upon us in His compassionate, merciful grace. Whether we wander a far distance or near, our Father is always watchful, waiting with outstretched arms for us to turn to His embrace, wanting to delight us in His lavished goodness. His compassion is endless; His mercy without limit; His love unfailing.

Embodying God’s love, Jesus is the Hands of God’s Restoration Ministry that reaches out to restore a needy, hurting world. “The Father loves the Son and has placed everything in his hands.” (John 3:35)  Everything and everyone…

And so, “Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people” (Matthew 4:23), extending God’s love to every man, woman and child who would ever live. No one exceeds His reach.

No one is too defiled:

“A man with leprosy came to [Jesus] and begged him on his knees, ‘If you are willing, you can make me clean.’ Filled with compassion, Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. ‘I am willing,’ he said. ‘Be clean!’ Immediately the leprosy left him and he was cured.” (Mark 1:40-42)

No one is too troublesome:

“…some people brought a blind man and begged Jesus to touch him. He took the blind man by the hand and led him outside the village. When he had spit on the man’s eyes and put his hands on him, Jesus asked, ‘Do you see anything?’…  Once more Jesus put his hands on the man’s eyes. Then his eyes were opened, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly.” (Mark 8:22b-23, 25)

No one is too incapacitated:

“When the sun was setting, the people brought to Jesus all who had various kinds of sicknesses, and laying his hands on each one, he healed them.” (Luke 4:40)

No one is too bound:

“On a Sabbath, Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues, and a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years. She was bent over, and could not straighten up at all. When Jesus saw her, he called her forward and said to her, ‘Woman, you are set free from your infirmity.’ Then he put his hands on her, and immediately she straightened up and praised God.” (Luke 13:10-13)

No one is too hopeless:

“As he approached the town gate, a dead person was being carried out—the only son of his mother, and she was a widow… When the Lord saw her, his heart went out to her and he said, ‘Don’t cry.’ Then he went up and touched the coffin, and those carrying him stood still. He said, ‘Young man, I say to you, get up!’ The dead man sat up and began to talk, and Jesus gave him back to his mother.” (Luke 7:12a, 13-15)

No one is too distraught:

“While [Jesus] was still speaking, a bright cloud enveloped them, and a voice from the cloud said, ‘This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!’ When the disciples heard this, they fell facedown to the ground, terrified. But Jesus came and touched them. ‘Get up,’ he said. ‘Don’t be afraid.’ When they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus.” (Matthew 8:5-8)

No one is too unworthy:

“[Judas] approached Jesus to kiss him… When Jesus’ followers saw what was going to happen, they said, ‘Lord, should we strike with our swords?’ And one of them struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his right ear. But Jesus answered, ‘No more of this!’ And he touched the man’s ear and healed him.” (Luke 22:47b, 49-51)

No one is too unimportant:

“Then little children were brought to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked those who brought them. Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me….’ When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there.” (Matthew 19:13-14a, 15)

With every touch of Jesus, hearts and minds are opened more fully to the Truth of God. Compassion overcomes suffering, and wholeness overcomes brokenness. Faithfully delivering the message entrusted to Him:  “Grace, Peace and Mercy from the Father’s Love” (See 2 John 1:3), Jesus infuses His compassion into our hearts, further healing and transforming them into greater likenesses of their Parent Heart.

On the day when the woman sat down beside me, God increased my awareness that my heart was not all that He had designed it to be. Without the plumb line of the Father’s Heart in Christ Jesus, we can deceive ourselves about our hearts. We aren’t always able to see the fears or pride existing in them. Neither are we always aware of misappropriated feelings of unworthiness, disappointment, despair and other negative emotions. Additionally, illness, infirmity, poverty and other worldly problems may encroach upon what is left of our hearts; for our hearts, as well as our minds, are continually bombarded by the concerns of this world.

As I sat in the auditorium with the woman’s hand on mine, the tears that I shed were from personal shame. In addition to the shaking of Parkinson’s disease that wrongly restrained me, I knew that if our positions were reversed, I would not have placed my hand on hers, thinking that she may have AIDS. Aware that such a decision would have been nothing short of fear-driven selfishness, I could do no less than admit to myself my own self-limited compassion for others. God already had my number; and now that I knew, the jig was up.

By revealing a piece of my heart to me that day, God disarmed the self-deception that had prevailed, returning the freedom that I needed to act in accordance with His will, living His way.

As the Body of Christ on Earth, our hands are Christ’s Hands—hands that are to be used only for good, never for evil, including the evil of failing to do good. Awareness of our enabling to be His Hands comes when our hearts experience His compassion, empowering us to live beyond ourselves.

As Christians, we have the Power of God residing in us and with us, as well as acting for us and through us. We are never helpless. While all prayer is powerfully life transforming, prayer for others that is accompanied by touch through the laying on of hands contains a physical element of acceptance that delivers the spiritual reality of God’s love through an act that tangibly confesses oneness in Christ. Touch draws us into greater recognition of our spiritual unity with one another, further opening our hearts and minds to greater awareness of the Father’s love for all. The result is greater overall restoration, with the love of God flowing more freely in every direction. Touch is a God-designated means of tangibly connecting us one to another in this world as the Body of Christ, delivering Holy Spirit power through our responsive obedience to reach out to share with others the love that God has for all.

Jesus expects us to believe in and appreciate the power of touch, as did both the woman with the issue of blood, who reached out to touch Jesus (Matthew 9:20-22), and Mary, who wiped Jesus’ feet with her hair in worship of Him (John 12:3). Touch forms a two-way connection that enables both giving and receiving. To “successfully” touch others as God intends, we must first be in touch with Jesus ourselves, receiving from Him and returning to Him our worship of Him:  thanksgiving for His outstretched arms that have been extended to a hurting world by the immeasurable love of God for all.

When the woman in the auditorium had finished delivering God’s message to me, she quietly got up and started back down the side aisle. I glanced down only briefly—a few moments, but when I looked back up, I could no longer see her. The exits were behind me, and her brightly colored garb should have been easy to spot. But even though I looked for her the remainder of the evening, I never saw her again.

Who she was and where she came from, I don’t know. But she fulfilled duties of both angels and saints, delivering both God’s message and His compassion to an individual who was in need of receiving both.

May we—the entire Body of Christ—do likewise, touching every body and soul with the compassionate outreach that is ours in Christ Jesus to freely give. (See Matthew 10:8)

And should there be any doubt regarding the power of touch or its necessity, just ask Jesus to provide a tangible touch of proof.

He will, defeating every objection… pierced hands down, every time.


“…they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.” (Mark 16:18c)